February 26, 2018

Spearheading Innovation in Life Sciences

Syed Haseeb Ahmed  /  CIO Review Magazine

Growing up as a sports enthusiast, Scott Sacane, a molecular biology scientist, was smitten by the way a player-coach could help their team achieve success. He believes that being in the game while advising the players in the moment creates a unique perspective that often leads to successful outcomes. Donning the role of a player-coach at Catalytic Data Science, Sacane brings the same enthusiasm, commitment, and the positive attitude to transform how life sciences companies find, analyze and share information. "I certainly don't have all the answers and could never pretend to be an expert in the engineering domain, but I have operated in the life sciences industry for three decades, and I know the problems well," he says. With 30 years of rich experience in the life sciences industry, Sacane is clear on what he wants to achieve with his venture. "At Catalytic Data Science, we want to connect researchers to the vast world of life sciences data, information and analytics through a single, highly integrated cloud-based platform." Read the full story HERE.