December 4, 2016

Charleston Startups Tap Temp Execs as Tech Sector Matures

Thad Moore  /  Post and Courier

Kent Elmer's company picture smiles on PokitDok's website. He carries a PokitDok business card, complete with a email address. And as he walks through the startup's Calhoun Street office, he's quick to discuss the investment "we raised" last year."It has to be 'we,'" Elmer says as he steps outside, a sentiment that could easily veer into the focus-on-culture talk that's all too common in the technology industry.

But it doesn't, because Elmer isn't delivering a go-team spiel. He's recognizing that while he occupies an unusual corporate role, the people inside need to trust his judgment all the same - to weigh in on their company's strategy and manage its books. Elmer is the company's chief financial officer, but perhaps not be for long. He's a "fractional executive" - a part-time contractor with a C-suite pedigree and an hourly rate. Read more: